Excelling in academic is not an easy task but with the right way one could do this and with this it will not only improve his performances but also beneficial for future performances. For a better future the basic of a student needs to be very strong and for this his schooling must be very good. The school, its ways of studying and atmosphere puts a great impact on the thinking and upbringing of the students so it is important that the selection of the school must be correct. It should be as per the requirement of the student because very child is different from another and their learning power also differs so the parents should choose the most suitable school for his child. After this it also important to make the correct way of study for the excellence in academic performance and for this these are the ways through a child could excel in his studies as follows:-
• Set your Study environment:-Environment plays an important role in the learning of the student so the selection of the place for studying must be appropriate and as per the need of the student. It must help the student in his studies and should posses’ positivity around it which encourages the student to perform well in his class.
• Revise and write:-Revision is very important for the students because many children stats learning their course and forget the previous one so for remembering the previous chapters it is important to revise them again and again until it is remembered by them for a longer time.
Writing is also important for the students because when they write anything in their notebook after learning them then it gives confidence and satisfaction to them that they had surely learned the chapter.
• Mnemonics and short keys:-Short keys are useful for remembrance and today there are various ways taught to the student through they can remember the whole concept by remembering the short keywords only. Short tricks also taught to the students in various classes which have proved very helpful for their academic performances.
• Sound sleep and healthy food:-Proper sleeping of at least 8 hours in necessary for the student because they don’t get time in the day for any rest. Today student life is very busy than any other person and it is only because of study pressure and good academic performance. So they must take proper sleep to keep themselves energetic and enthusiastic for whole day.
Healthy food is important for their physical and mental growth so proper nutrition’s must be taken by them. Fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, healthy drinks and dry fruits should be eaten by them for their healthiness.
• Plan your timetable:-Timetable keeps the student in a disciple and makes them a good follower that they are following the plan which is made by them or by them parents for their better results. So every student should make a proper timetable for their good academic performances.